Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil


This 'Bourbon type' Geranium essential oil has a slightly different chemical make up with a richer, deep and rounded fragrance. Geranium sits at the heart of an aroma; sets the theme and emerges once top notes have dissipated. Distilled from the small pink flowers and tiny, pointed leaves of the geranium plant. Floral, sweet, rosey, rich.

How to use

  • Add 4-12 drops to a bowl of steaming water/facial steamer and inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes.
  • For diffusing, add 10-15 drops to Stone diffuser. For massage, add 2 drops to 4 tsp carrier oil.
  • For skincare, add 1 drop to 2 tsp carrier oil.
  • Start with the lowest number of drops; increase as desired.

Country of Origin - Madagascar | Extraction - Steam distillation. Part of Plant - Aerial parts.


Promotes the appearance of clear healthy skin, has a calming effect when diffused.